Part 60: Run 2 - Part 8
Later that night, the Prince backs Perrault into a corner about whether or not to become Master Spy.
Carmosa comes back the next morning...

Sophia goes first, and Gloria expresses her awkward happiness that Sophia and Cinders have bonded. While Gloria is talking to her mother, Cinders and Sophia have a new chat.

I'm not sure. She seemed fine when we talked.

As odd as it may be, you might be right. My silly sister babbled a lot about how she finally got through to you. What a success it was to finally come to some sort of understanding. The most pathetic part was when she decided this 'understanding' was important enough to make it the topic of the day.

I'm glad she felt that way. I thought it made for a nice change of pace, as well.

The only thing missing from this picture is holding hands and singing. And dancing. Possibly in circles. In the middle of a flowery meadow. I think I might throw up.

Oh shut up. Let's just wait for Gloria. It shouldn't be too long.
When Gloria comes back, her lines are a little different now too.

I didn't tell her about your little excursions. I did tell her, however, you behaved in a responsible and trustworthy manner.

Which I'm sure Mother has immediately taken to be true, since she values your opinion so highly.

Alright then, I'm going. Wish me luck.

Yes, I did. Come in and close the door. I'd like you to explain something to me. Weren't you the busy little bee when I was gone?

I'm not sure I follow

I've just talked with your sisters and they both vouched for your good behavior during my absence.

They did? Oh, that's

I don't recall playing cards, I just took some time to talk with them and try to understand them for a change. I guess it worked.

How lovely. But I really couldn't care less about that. The important thing is that you didn't do anything stupid or manage to get yourself into some trouble, like I was expecting. Just thinking about having to listen to your whining and excuses makes me cringe. So it's a good thing we won't be having any of that, yes?

I'mI mean, thank you, Ma'am.

Regardless of what you may be thinking right now, adding wood to the roaring blaze of that ego of yours isn't the purpose of this talk. Praise means nothing save the purpose it servesremember that. There are important matters I need to tell you about.
Such as the ball. Despite being slightly impressed with us, Carmosa still expects us to sit around and clean while the stepsisters go.
That night, after they try on their new dresses, there is a knock at our place.

Who would knock on my window at this hour? Some shady character it must be! Let's see...

Hey, Cinders! It's me,
It's possible for it to be Tobias who shows up here instead, depending on who we have the higher opinion score with. Alas, maybe next time. Anyway, after giving him advice (it turns out I chose the 'maybe you should quit' option again; sorry, I'll get the other next time), the conversation takes a different direction.

Ha! My neighbour perhaps? Oh... You mean yourself.

Leaving this charming place with a talented warrior who's also very easy on the eye and happens to value my judgment? I know of worse fates than that.

This kind of life you speak of. Yes! I can see it vividly. Only now I understand how determined you are to flee from your house.

And the one having you in it is exceptionally attractive to me.

Are you serious about it?

I think we're both equally serious about wanting to say goodbye to both this town and our duties.

Yes, I can see that now. It does sound tempting: leaving all of this behind and just trying our luck, looking what fate has in store for us, both of us. But this isn't all there is to it, is it?

I hate to be asking you this, but did you just steer this entire conversation to make me aid you with your goals? It does seem a bit like that's the case, but I'm not sure.

Yes, I can see how it may look that way. And I understand how you would be worried. However, I can give you my word that I honestly and genuinely did my best to advise you. I told you what I really think is the best choice. Maybe I did this for myself, frankly. I can't be sure about that myself. I want to break free very much. If I seem a little bit desperate to you it is because, well, I am, and you are someone I can trust.

It's alright, I have no doubts about your honesty. But I still need to sort this out on my own. I will think about your offer, though. Thank you, Cinders. This has been very helpful. You listened to me and addressed my doubts. I am grateful.

It's been a pleasure.
Now we go off to visit Mother's grave.

And so are you. It's in your blood.

Not this again, did I just fall asleep without noticing it?
You're not dreaming.

Alright, if you're so helpful, why don't you show yourself?
As you wish.

I am the Fairy of the Lake. The one who is praised and feared by souls elated and those of broken spirit. You've been keeping vigil by our Lake through the seasons. You remembered about us. You did well. The sacrifice which your mother had made was not squandered. We are willing to uphold the Concord. You are free to ask for our aid.
After some ominous talk of weights and prices...

We could use her help this time. This isn't actually necessary to get the Fairy's ending, but it does increase her disposition.

I guess I could use any help I can get. It's not often that I meet someone willing to help me in the first place.

We will be ready.
The next day, Sophia and Gloria come to see us before going to the ball.

But you know Mother and you know it won't happen.

I know. You shouldn't feel guilty. It will be your chance, make the best of it.

Come on, we need to go. Now!

Yes, I'm coming. Cinders, we'll be gone for the rest of the day. The house will be left under your supervision. Do you think you can manage that?

There are more well-oiled cogs in that pretty head than in yours and mine combined. Or maybe just yours. Now, let's move.

I can manage things for one day, Gloria. Don't worry.

Alright. We're going then. Bye!

Even more

It's just poor little Cinders, no one important. What could such a meek creature do but just sit and whine. And then comply? Well not this time!

Funny, this seems to be the hardest thing to achieve. Normal life, love, friendship and respect from the family. I want to live like a free girl. I want to have adventures. Like meeting the Prince tomorrow. And I'm going to work hard to get it. I will go to that Ball and show Carmosa, Sophia, and Gloria what I'm worth. Hmm... I need a plan, though. Or at least a dress and a way to get into the Ball. The rest I can just wing.

Madame Ghede's offer seemed genuine. Maybe even honest. But she seems dead set on getting what she wants, no matter the cost. And hell knows what that is when it comes to me and my future. Not that the Fairy is too comprehensible or predictable. But there is no gain or improvement without some sacrifice. And at least with the Fairy the accomplishment will be great and the sacrificethe sacrifice will be nobody's but my own!
But let's not be too hasty. I just remembered what the Captain said about Father's Last Will.

Ah well. Off to the Lake!

Strange majestic creatures appearing from nowhere, claiming to know my mother. Fairies changing the fate... And me in the middle. I'm going to be like those old ladies with a bunch of cats, a pointy hat and warts on the tip of their noses, who claim to be 'attuned' to magic. Right. I shouldn't think too much about it. Let's just go and see if I'm insane or not.

This feels a bit silly but I have no choice, I have to get to the Palace and go to the Ball. If you're here, please, show yourself. I need your help! ...Oh, this is hopeless. What was I thinking? I have no time for this. I need to get to the Palace with or without the assistance of magical forces. If there is one girl in this kingdom who deserves being there it's me. I spent enough days scrubbing floors in my own house to earn the right to have this one brief evening of complete freedom. Without worries, without abuse. Like an ordinary girl. I really need that.

I need to prove to myself that those things can still happen. That I'm not as broken as her daughters. And going to the Ball is only the beginning. I need to change my life completely. No more idling and wishing. I thought a lot about it and I think I have the outline of a plan, at least. There are two paths I could take: retake the house from Carmosa's hands or escape and leave the Town, start a new life.

You startled me! Were you listening the whole time?

Yes. We are always listening to those who enter our Domain. You have a third path before youwhy not charm the Prince?

Make him lose his head in just one evening and become his Queen one week later? That part of fairy tales I always had trouble believing. That and the fairies...

Your doubts are misdirected. You could easily enthrall him with our aid. You came to the Lake asking for our aid. We are offering it. Which path will you take?

If I'm ever going to be happy, I need to become truly independent. And independence comes from status, prestige and social standing. I learnt that from Carmosa herself. That's why I am going to take her place. Only then can I turn my house into a place where I can live happily.
Fortunately, Carmosa is not invulnerable. She has secrets and I happen to know about two of them. Now only did she forge the invitation to the Royal Ball, she also his my Father's Last Will from me and the rest of the world. I can easily see why she did that. The Will makes me the next in line of inheritance. If anything happens to her, the residence is mine. Like for exampleif she would get arrested for forging an important Royal Document.

Your customs are alien to us. We don't need laws and parchments to take something we want from others.

That doesn't surprise me at all. I wouldn't expect legal advice from a fairy. I should talk about all this with the Captain. If Carmosa appears at the Ball with the forged documents, it should be enough to remove her from the picture.

So it seems that your path has been decided.

I would still like to go to the Grand Ball, though! Only how am I going to get to the Royal Palace? That's the hard part. Apart from small details, like the guards and me not being invited, there are more pressing issues here. Like: what am I going to wear? I don't suppose you know a good tailor that works for free?

Your seductive nature requires little aid, so providing you with the right clothing will be very easy. Have trust in the Lake, Cindersit remembered your mother's wish, and reached out to you offering aid. Come to us before the Ball, we will help you and so the new Concord shall be sealed.

How do you manage to sound so secretive and eerie all the time? How exactly will you help me?

Have trust in the Lake. Like your mother.

Like my mother... Something tells me you're not going to answer me no matter what I say. But fine. I don't have a choice here but to agree to your rules and hope it won't bite me in the rear.

You will have no trouble doing so. Your blood makes you attuned to sensing both opportunity and necessity. The plan is set. The new gift will be offered, its Weight and Price shall unveil in time. You can go.

Thank you. I think. I wonder what Mum would say about all of this...
She would probably try to shake some sense into you. Oh well, we've come this far. All in.